Ask The Doc! Types Of Breast Cancer And The Flu Season

ask the doc

This week, the doctors discuss the different types of breast cancer. They also touch on a question from a viewer regarding the treatment of their husband’s heart tumors. Is he getting the right treatment? What happened to Flu Season? What’s the latest on Covid-19? All this and more on Ask The Doc!

Ask The Doc! Chain Of Distribution

ask the doc

The Doctors are back! They Begin by discussing some viewer questions regarding bladder cancer. How are most Bladder Cancer cases diagnosed? What advances in cancer research have been made in 2021? Dr. William Whaley also touches on the many clinical trials happening at Northside Hospital Right Now. How do you get the vaccine? Are there enough? Where do you go? The Doctors are here answering all your burning questions regarding the Covid-19 Vaccine.


Georgia vaccine resources:

DPH Vaccine Locator:

DPH COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline: (888) 357-0169

Ask The Doc! Fighting Off Covid-19

Community, Lifestyle
Ask The Doc! Recovery Process Of Covid-19

This morning, The doctors address a comment left on one of the Ask The Doc Segments. What drugs are good for fighting off Covid-19 or do we just wait on a vaccine? The Doctors also address the President and first lady testing positive for Covid-19. What do the Doctors have to say about testing positive with no symptoms? When could he have contracted the virus? How long has he had it? All this and more on Ask The Doc!

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