The Kalergi Plan of Population Replacement


I’m a big believer in cause and effect. This fellow who shot up the Garlic Festival in earthquake prone Gilroy, Ca., a nineteen year old white male, a fact that makes the Leftist media happy, clearly had a serious societal problem and it’s wasn’t firearms. That he is also dead makes the Left’s narrative the primary one for the publics consumption. Just another check off in the Left’s growing attacks against America’s white European culture and heritage (white privilege) to be replaced with third world peoples, their cultures and heritage. 

After the Gilroy murders, the media reported that police, in a search of the culprits premises, found white supremacy materials, an 1800’s era book “Might Makes Right,” by Ragnar Redbeard, thus confirming the left’s narrative that white people are the source of all evil in the world. What the media failed to mention however was that police also found Islamic Jihadists materials there as well. So, what’s it going to be, a disgruntled white supremacists or a killer jihadist? Take a WAG on that one!  

To really understand what’s going on here, we must consider the unopposed mass migrations of third world people into Europe and now, with the Democrats help, into America. I recommend one should acquaint themselves with The Great Replacement: An Introduction to Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi” aka: The Kalergi Plan of population replacement.” Once you read it, it should send shivers up your spine. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s now actually in practice.

The Gilroy shooter, whether he knew it or not, was helping the Progressives to implement the “Kalergi Plan of population replacement.” The first step of supplanting European white citizens with people of color is to politically divide the races and isolate whites, as we are witnessing now among the Democrat Candidates for President and AOC’s blathering’s. It’s the old us vs. them  trick. The second step is to label their opponents derogatorily, as “white supremacists, Nazi’s or neo-Nazi’s or far-right extremists.” Don’t we hear that every day? The Gilmore shooter whether he understood it or not, acted as a justice vigilante, a frequent tactic of Jihadists willing to die perpetrating their deeds as justice against infidels.

Another thing the media failed to report that police found in searching the Gilroy shooters digs, was evidence that preparations for a “massive attack” were being contemplated. His equipment included a gas mask, bulletproof vest, computer hard drives, the book described above, as well as Jihadists materials.

While the shooter is dead and the police, presumably the FBI, are checking the disks found in the shooters home, the media is not dead and remains a clear and present danger to an  uninformed public who don’t know what’s coming. Why does the media ignore the Islamic Jihadist connections and play up the white supremacists angle? 

Looking for the answer, we need go no further than Kalergi, who wrote: “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Todays races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It’s not surprising that the people that escaped from the Ghetto-prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. As a people, Jews experience the eternal struggle of quantity against quality; inferior groups against superior individuals; inferior majorities against superior minorities.”  What Kalergi meant was, that peace wasn’t possible in Europe as long as separate ethnocentric nations existed in violent competition with each other. Kalergi thought individual nations and borders should disappear and to making that happen a European superstate (EU?) should be created. He also thought that the more intelligent Jews would end up ruling Europe.

For the future, Kalergi envisioned that individual European societies would be watered down by miscegenation and a new breed of easy-to-control “mongrels” created. Kalergi, son of an Austrian Count and a Japanese mother, maintained close relationships with Europe’s aristocrats and political class and was able to obtain the co-operation of many influential leaders. After the war, he brought them on board with his plans to create a “United States of Europe.” Both FDR and Winston Churchill thought Kalergi’s plan had merit.   

Churchill even gave a speech in Zurich, Switzerland in 1946 when he said: “We must build a kind of United States of Europe. Much work has been done upon this task by the exertions of the Pan-European union which owes so much to Count Coudenhove-Kalergi. The structure of the United States of Europe, if well and truly built, will be such as to make the material strength of a single state less important. Small nations will count as much on large ones and gain their honor by their contribution to the common cause.”…Well, there we are, the EU.

Fascist Islam isn’t all that interested in having a Jewish Europe ruling over them. They’ll settle for miscegenation until they have enough voters to democratically create a Caliphate, but with no Jews.

Then came Trump followed by the UK’s Boris Johnson and Brexit. We’re in for a long, hard ride and it could be brutal. Be ready. Inform yourselves and never give up.


Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! 


A Changing America


The Democrats are really the party of nothing American. Somehow, politically, they’ve become the “Blue” party when they irrefutably should be “Red.” How did they hang the term “Red” on Conservatives? The media did it of course and somehow our Republicans leaders accepted it. Not good, because it confuses me when I have to refer to the Democrat Marxists as “Blue.”

The entire Democrat party, filled as it is with really stupid little despots, perverts, transgenders, anti-flag, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-rule of law, anti-nearly everything except what resources they can redistribute to the masses for free, represent a real danger to Americans everywhere.

America once welcomed immigrants through the portal of hope, Ellis Island, where they were examined for diseases and let in or quarantined until the individual recovered. Never was the immigrant given a job, food stamps, housing, or medical care after Ellis Island, or free anything else. Not even a gift bag. That was it and America not only survived but grew strong and prospered with their assimilation into America’s Constitutionally protected culture. Most set about learning English and most definitely their children did, without home country accents.

Many even saw it their duty to join the armed forces and return to the European continent to shoot at their former countrymen who’s despicable acts of aggression required no less. They contributed to Americas greatness. Most were Christians, many were Jews and a trickle from other religions but all were guaranteed freedom of religion, speech and assembly.

What do we have today? The foreign body of a religious disease that nobody wants, nobody understands, yet requires that we all acquiesce to its cultural demands because, they tell us, they are better than everyone else. They bring with them their book of murder and tell us its a book of “peace” and the Democrats believe them, indeed encouraged them and even sneaked some of them in. Others riot in our streets beating up people, a la the Nazi’s SD and SA.

The Boards of Commissions and Mayor’s of our cities and towns are, by the vote process, slowly being supplanted by Progressivism (Marxism) and, in some places by Islam. There, Shariah law replaces the Rule of Law because, they tell us, it is better.

We now find Islam has penetrated the ranks of our Congress. That should never be. Islam is totally incompatible with our US Constitution and our Judeo-Christian foundation for the rule of law. Their oaths are allowed to be taken on the Qur’an. How good could that oath be when the very term “Islam” means submission…to Islam, not the Constitution? Even some Democrats, now anti-Christian, refuse to even take their oath of allegiance on the Bible.

Okay, I can understand that. So, how about requiring oath swearing’s, to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, be taken on the Constitution of the United States of America? That should plug a hole in the idea that the oath is meaningless and legislators can do only what’s best for their political or religious feelings, the rest of America be damned. Madison observed that “the epitome of tyranny was the combination of the executive, legislative and judicial functions in a single branch.” He was right you know! That’s why America’s frayed elections, pitting one house against another, its constitutional limits on what the Federal government can do and not do works so well. It should keep government manageable.

We must beware of the scoundrels who want to change that for the sole purpose of power. There’s a lot of ‘em out there as we see in today’s Congress. They need to be neutered!

Remember, freedom is the goal,the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

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